Birthdays and Anniversaries
Each year, thousands of birthday and wedding anniversary cards are sent on behalf of the Sovereign to people celebrating significant birthdays and wedding anniversaries. The delivery of these messages is arranged by the Anniversaries Office at Buckingham Palace, continuing a tradition which goes back to 1917.
Cards are sent to those celebrating their 100th and 105th birthday and every year thereafter, and to those celebrating their diamond wedding (60th), 65th, 70th wedding anniversaries and every year thereafter. The King's congratulatory messages consist of a card containing a personalised message and come in a special envelope.
The Centenarian Team at the Department for Work and Pensions notify the Anniversaries Office of those approaching their birthday to ensure everyone receives a message. It is not necessary to apply for a birthday message if those celebrating their special birthday are in receipt of a State Pension or other DWP benefit - see www.gov.uk/get-birthday-anniversary-message-from-king for further details.
If those whose birthday it is are not in receipt of a pension or other benefit, an application can be made through this link - apply.royal.uk
For data privacy reasons, there is no automatic alert from the DWP or Buckingham Palace to the Lieutenancy Office for significant birthdays or wedding anniversaries. For this reason, to make sure that a message is sent from the Lieutenancy, or to arrange for one of the Lieutenancy team to present the card for birthdays and wedding anniversaries, an application should preferably be made by a relative or friend in advance of the special day. Requests for residents of Sutherland can be made by emailing the Lieutenancy team at sutherlandlieutenancy@gmail.com
For wedding anniversary cards, applications must be made, there is no automatic notification. To make sure that a message is sent for wedding anniversaries, an application needs to be made by a relative or friend in advance of the special day.
You can apply online at apply.royal.uk